Huerto de la Mariana. Campo de juego del Sevilla FC.

Between the gardens of San Telmo and the Venta de Eritaña, where the annual Selected Livestock Exhibition was held, the land known as the Huerto de la Mariana was located on the site now occupied by the Plaza de América.

In the autumn of 1905, the Sevilla FC Board of Directors requested this land from the Town Hall for the Society's sporting activities.

It is said that the pitch was not bad, but it had the disadvantage that inside the pitch there was a large tree that sometimes hindered play, but at other times it was used to make great wall passes between the players.

Sevilla FC played on this pitch until the autumn of 1908, when the grounds were occupied by the Real Tennis Club, and football moved to other areas closer to the Prado de San Sebastián.