El emblema del Sevilla FC SFC

The round crest with the initials "S", "F" and "C" was used from the beginning of the century until 1921.

The first crest that we know of used by Sevilla Fútbol Club was made by Juan Lafita at the request of his brother José, and the date of its first use cannot be specified, but in all likelihood it was after 1905. Its shape and colours were described by the author himself: "It was round: a circle like a ball, in the centre of which the anagram of Sevilla C. F. appears intertwined in red".

Today it is included as an "emblem" in article 38 of the Articles of Association

"The emblem, faithful to our history and representing us from the beginning, will be a white circle outlined in red, with the letters "S", "F" and "C" intertwined in the same red colour".