The president, vicepresident and Monchi pose together with the Sevilla FC captains
First team


During the event, the president Castro took to the floor for a speech in which he asked for a last push from the players in the final stage of the season
Cuerpo Superior

On Sunday night Sevilla FC celebrated their gala dinner, originally postponed from Christmas time due to the Covid-19 pandemic. In the dinner, celebrated at the Ramón Sánchez-Pizjuán, president José Castro took to the floor to show his pride about what has been achieved up until and to ask for a last push from the players: "Today we are in what should be our Christmas dinner but which due to the high rate of Covid we had to postpone. Sometimes it isn't bad to have to wait because I think that this is a good moment for us to do this dinner because we have a better perspective to highlight the importance of what we are doing."  

This season a lot is happening to us, but even in such a difficult context, we look at the league table and we are second and I think this is is something which we have to be very proud of. I thank you for your commitment, for your professionalism, and for having sacrificed a lot for the team, going beyond just your professionalism. This spirit of sacrifice says a lot about the group.

"If we continue on this path and with our committment, our fans will feel proud of you like now" 

"I only ask for one last effort. There are only 11 games left and we are still fighting in the UEFA Europa League because we know what this tournament means for our club and our fans - this is our competition. And even more so this year with the final at home. Once again we are really proud of what you are doing but now the important bit comes, now is when we have to put the pressure on even more. They will be difficult moments, we know that, but if we continue on the path that we are on, I am sure that at the end of the season we will achieve great things. I don't ask for anything more... Simply that you continue in the same way because this is the path. And if we continue with this line and commitment when it comes to June, whatever happens, I am sure that our fans will be proud of all of you, just like they are now. What you are doing is very big but the hope is that there remains something greater, for which we all what to give the best because that is what we do, but we have to continue improving to achieve something important."