Joan Jordán spoke to official media after the 1-1 draw in Cluj: "In the first half we lacked aggression. We had openings down the wing and we rushed ourselves. In the second half they began by pressing us from corners and free kicks, and we made a mistake, but during the match we were good defensively. I'm happy with the ability to respond, we deserve a lot of credit, it shows that the team believes in what we do. The result is positive but not too much, we had chances and could have won".

The Catalan is convinced the team will move forward: "We're strong, excited, united, and eager to achieve good things this season. We have a very good match on Sunday and we want to keep moving forward. Don't take us for dead, because we're very close-knit and we're working hard to end this run. I don't think anyone is taking us for dead but we've had a little rough patch. I know the fans are with us and there will be a spectacular atmosphere on Thursday".
To finish, he emphasised the importance of today's match: "It's been a week where we've talked lots, worked hard, and it's gone well. It could be a turning point and the response from us was important, so we could make that step. After the tough spell and the draw against Espanyol that wasn't enough, we knew it was important today, these little things make all the difference and we really like Europe".