Escudo Oficial del Sevilla FC
1921/Present Day

The current crest, with slight variations, is based on the one designed by Pablo Rodríguez and released on 16 October 1921. It is in the shape of a Swiss shield, with the colours of the club and the city.

Regarding its shape, the designer said that he "thought it appropriate to stylise it, giving it a more heraldic form". He opted for the "Swiss shield" shape, introducing the colours of the club and the city and the representation of the patron saints of the municipal coat of arms, together with the initials from what had been the club's crest until then.

In the original design of the crest they were red, and that was how they looked for many years, from its creation in 1921, until Santiago del Campo, author of the mosaic placed on the outside of the Main Stand of the Ramón Sánchez-Pizjuán, on his own initiative modified it, according to his own statements "to improve even more if possible the artistic vision of the image"

If in 1921 there was a transformation, in 1982 there was another accidental one, but nowadays it has become accepted. The black letters have become a symbol of the club, and the club's crest would not be recognisable in any other way.

It was thus fixed in the club's Articles of Association, article 38

The General Meeting decides, this will be the crest, the wording of the definition of our crest, The crest would be as follows:

The crest is based on the one designed in 1921 with its contents inspired by the coat of arms of Seville, from which it takes its saints Fernando, Isidoro and Leandro; on the logo of the club's badge from the early 20th century; and on the white and red colours, which have always been the club's and the city's colours. From the heraldic point of view, it is a Swiss shield, divided in half and split. First, in silver, the patron saints, seated, in the manner of the coat of arms of the city. Second, in silver, the letters "S", "F" and "C", interlaced in sable. Third, in silver, five red stripes. Comble general angled with two red stripes, one for each quarter. Above the whole badge, a natural, antique football.