Joaquín Caparrós, entrenador Sevilla FC
First team


A second victory in the bag for Sevilla FC coach, Joaquín Caparrós, since his arrival at the club, who now looks towards the derby with optimism: "We are going to fight for those three points"
Cuerpo Superior

Sevilla FC coach, Joaquín Caparrós, stressed the importance of bagging the three points this Wednesday evening against Real Madrid, an opponent he described as "a piece of machinery". But tonight, once again, we have delivered, we have connected with the fans, we have communicated our drive to win. At the end they made things difficult for us which was a pain, because we deserved a better result. But what's most important is the three points. Now we need the players to recover as we start thinking about the next match", he commented. 

"Sevilla are a great side, they have players that have competed in the Champions League, that have been signed specifically for that reason, and the team deserves a lot of praise. We have two matches remaining and we will see if we can get out of them what we want", he added.

The manager also wanted to point out the involvement of not only the coaching staff, but also the squad. "It's something that we need to communicate to everyone, we have to make them see that we are stuck in and any gesture has to show the fans that we feel the colours, the badge, and that each player will put their heart and soul into it. We will go to the derby and fight for the three points", he concluded.