First team


The sporting director thinks that "they don't need a lot of possession to create danger"
Cuerpo Superior

Monchi spoke to club media on Wednesday on the eve of the European match tomorrow at home against West Ham - an opponent which will make nothing easy. "The team is hopefully, hungry for the game to arrive and respectful of an opponent that will make things very difficult, because outside of the big six in English football, it is the strongest team. In fact, they are challenging high up in the table. We can't underestimate or undervalue this competition. The spirit of Sevilla is something within and tomorrow is a good day to show it. The team will need a good atmosphere before the game and above all during the game. A good attendance is expected and this is motivating and spurs us on to give everything." 

Despite the draw in Vitoria, the squad is very focused on tomorrow. "The team have recovered well after the efforts of the last few games. There is a change of mindset because we wanted to go far in the competition. We know that this is difficult like I said because I said it on the day of the draw, that they were the most difficult opponent that there was. They will make things difficult for us but the team is aware of the difficulty and the hope that this tournament creates both inside and outside." 

"They are treating this as the the most important game in their history."

The Londoners are a team that doesn't need possession to be dangerous: "They are a good team. I have seen their last two games, in the cup against Southampton and in the Premier League against Liverpool. It confirmed what I thought, that they are a physical team with very quick transitions. They don't need a lot of possession to dominate and against Liverpool they created a lot of chances without having the ball. They have very difficult individuals and it is true that Bowen won't play but they have alternatives. They are a very complete team and it is difficult to get into them. Surviving without the ball and when they have it, it doesn't take much for them to cause you danger." 

Although it is important to start the tie well, Mochi doesn't think tomorrow will be decisive. "I would like to get an important result but I think we will go to London with something to play for. I think that we have the ability to go to any stadium and get a result." Currently, in the home leg there will be a large presence of English fans. "We sometimes lose sight of what it means to play in Europe at Sevilla FC. They are treating it as the most important game in their history. For them the journey is relatively short and easy. I think that many Sevilla fans will travel to London and this is the essence of football."