Badé, Óliver Torres and Ocampos
First team


The trio spoke following Saturday night's draw in Vigo
Cuerpo Superior

Ocampos expressed his frustration following the draw with Celta Vigo tonight: "We couldn't finish things off. We tried and tried, but we couldn't grab the win. It makes me angry because there are areas where I felt we played really well. Today was difficult because the pitch was in a poor condition, it rained a lot, but that isn't an excuse and we have to keep working to overcome this. We have to keep our heads up because we have a big week coming up and we are going to keep fighting. We're all fully focused, but we have to show it on the pitch. Let's hope that in the Champions League and in the derby we can end our winless streak because ultimately we need a win soon."

Along similar lines, Óliver said that it was difficult once we went behind. "We know what we have to do in the changing room, but it's hard for us to get stuck in, and when they get the first blow, we don't react. Then the team takes control, has good phases of play and chances, but can't manage to win. The result doesn’t help; we want to accumulate three points at a time, and we'll have to analyse, be self-critical, and improve. It's difficult because you have to push yourself harder when you concede, but they are our mistakes, and we need to change the dynamics to strike first. We'll go to London with the same desire and hopefully, we'll have a good game and pick up some momentum for what's coming, which is very important."

Finally, Badé revealed that "it was a tough game, but we need to be better. We need to be more focused because we know what we need to do to improve. There are plenty of areas for us to work on, we need to be stronger. It is a disappointing result because we needed a win. But that is football. We need to get back to work and make sure that we perform better next time."