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"The club has done everything possible to keep me here. I'm leaving in the best way"
Cuerpo Superior

Sergio Ramos said farewell to Sevilla FC this Tuesday morning, after making an emotional return to the Ramón Sánchez-Pizjuán this season. The veteran defender wanted to begin by thanking "the President for his words, for his support and his confidence, as well as the club and each and every one of the employees, not wishing to leave anyone out. It has been an accumulation of feelings, I am very grateful to everyone. Thanks also to my family for always being my rock. To the fans, too, for making me feel at home and for their support every time I've played at the Sánchez-Pizjuán. I arrived with two very clear objectives: to pay homage to [Antonio] Puerta, to [José Antonio] Reyes, to my grandparents and to my father; secondly, to demonstrate my loyalty to this team on the pitch with commitment and professionalism
I think that I have fulfilled them both; you can always give more, but I leave with my head held high and my conscience clear. It's a stage that is coming to an end in a wonderful way and I'm grateful to everyone for being part of it. This club has run through my veins from birth. You can count on me for whatever you need."

Afterwards, the academy graduate to the media present: "It's not a decision you take lightly when you leave home. The market has not been open for a long time and after making the decision I told the club very quickly so that they had enough time to bring someone else in. It's not a issue related to money, my reasons for leaving are purely personal and family-related. I am grateful to the President for the option he has always given us to stay here. That's why he was the first person I called when I decided not to stay," he began.

"The objectives were the ones I have highlighted: to pay tribute to those individuals, and to close wounds. I signed my contract with that mentality. You have to know how to say goodbye and close a great chapter," he continued. 

"There are other players who have to step up to lead the dressing room"

Ramos also commented that "the club has done everything possible to keep me here. I'm leaving in the best possible way and I'm grateful for my time here and proud to have performed at the best level. You never know what tomorrow will bring - football is full of twists and turns. I haven't signed for any team yet. There are options and that's why I wanted to close this chapter, but there's no commitment yet".

"My departure won't leave a big gap in the dressing room. Jesús is going to continue and there are other players who have to step up to lead the dressing room. Others will arrive and that's the law of life. I don't know what will happen, but there are players with enough knowledge to step forward in this transformation of the club. Nothing lasts forever," he said of the Sevilla FC captaincy.

"I've left my heart and soul on this crest"

"I'm worried about how the fans might react, but you can't please everyone and you have to respect all opinions. Hopefully I've convinced them I've that left my heart and soul on this crest," he concluded.