Despedida de Vicente Iborra
First team


The club's vice-president remembered the tears Vicente Iborra shed after loosing in the Copa del Rey final in the Vicente Calderón: "That demonstrated that he is one of our own."
Cuerpo Superior

The vice-president of the club, José María del Nido Carrasco, accompanied Vicente Iborra in his farewell in Nervión. And to him he directed a few words full of affection, in a day that he himself described as: "sad for the club and the fans, because we are here to say goodbye to Vicente Iborra, a great player, but an even better person. Vicente Iborra is proof that one can be a sevillista without being born as one. He is what we call, an adopted sevillista."

"If the fans have an image of Iborra in mind, it's that if when he cried after loosing the Copa del Rey final"

"When we talk about Vicente, -Del Nido Carrasco continued-, we could do it about his 173 games, of his 30 goals, his three UEFA Europa League that accompany us today... Which shows us that he has defended our crest with honour and pride. In a goodbye, the player is always asked what moment in his time at the club he values the most. But if us sevillistas have an image in mind it is that of when he cried after loosing the Copa del Rey final. That demonstrated that Vicente is one of our own."

"Seville will always be your city and Sevilla FC, your home"

"Sevilla FC wants to thank you and wish you all the luck of the world, because you have defended the captainship of Sevilla FC with honour and a lot of pride, like two other Valencians that previously did the same, Andrés Palop y Javi Navarro. Seville will forever be your city and Sevilla FC, your home. Thank you captain." He concluded.