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The president wanted to respond to the statement released by Jesús Navas last night and extend an offer to the captain
Cuerpo Superior

Club President, José María del Nido Carrasco, spoke to the media this morning to address the latest current situation at the club in the last few hours: "Following the information that has emerged in the last two days regarding Jesús Navas, I feel obliged to state the club's position on Jesús. It would never as a person, as a Sevillista, nor as president, confront the club's greatest legend. Even this stadium bears his name and I don't want to start any conflict with him either publicly or privately. Yet neither can I let the history books read that Jesús does not continue because we do not want him to. It has all been a  misunderstanding for which I take responsibility because I know that Jesús is hurting from this."

"On Thursday, at around 9am, I received a call from the agency representing Jesús Navas, specifically from Margarita, the person he designated as his representative, to tell me something that no one in his entourage had told me, which was that he was leaving. I was in a meeting and she asked me to call her urgently. At 9:50, I called her thinking that we would enter discussions about a contract renewal. I had spoken to Jesús on several occasions and when I picked up the phone she told me Jesús's irreversible decision to leave Sevilla. I asked if we could do anything to change their mind, but I was told that the decision had been made and that he was going to tell his teammates about it. I was in a state of shock and I understood that all I could do was to respect his decision. After 30 minutes, the sporting director received a call from a club employee who asked us to go to the gym where Jesús had told the squad that he is having a hard time with the situation and that he had taken the decision three or four months before. When I arrived at the premiere of the first episode of the Copa Imposible Cup, I explained that I had publicly and privately told Jesús that I wanted him to continue and that I want him to hang up his boots here. I could only respect his decision because Jesus deserves to decide his future. I was only concerned with what capacity he could potentially come back some day," he continued.

"Last night, the Communications Department sent me the statement from Jesús or his entourage. I had two feelings. One of surprise, and the other of joy. Sadness because there are things I do not agree with, and joy because Jesús says he has nothing signed with another club and that it is not a matter of a financial offer. On November 10, 2023, Friday, at seven in the evening, two days before the derby at home, after speaking with Rakitic on Wednesday the 8th and telling him that I wanted to meet with the five captains at Sergio Ramos's house we arrived and I informed him that in just over a month I was going to be president and that I wanted to consolidate my planning with those five players. I conveyed to them the importance of the derby and my concern about the teams predicament. That led me to bring forward that conversation to rebuild a new Sevilla with their help. I said that they could play at Sevilla for as long as they wanted. And then when they retired they would be free to take a role within in the club if they so wanted. I asked them for the commitment to take on the project and they all took on the moral commitment," commented the president

"In December, after a training session, I asked Ivan, Jesús, and Sergio if I could include Gudelj, and we all met at the Estadio Jesús Navas. Among the things we discussed, I reiterated to the six of them that they would be at Sevilla for as long as they wanted. To me, the verbal agreement was clear. If Jesús did not understand it that way, I can only apologise. But Ivan called me saying he wanted to break the verbal agreement after talking with the coach, and I told him the door would always be open to a return and he left. In Fernando's case, after the family accident, he asked to go to Brazil to live with his family. And I told him the same thing I told Ivan. If Navas did not understand, it is a misunderstanding that I accept, and I apologise again, but I thought it was sufficient," commented Del Nido Carrasco.

"Every time I've spoken to the press since I became President, I've always said that the time for contract renewals would be at the end of the season. The past is in the past, but knowing that Jesús doesn't have an agreement with any other club and that he is a lifelong part of this club, we can look forward to a summer renewal like in 2013. Jesús Navas is a key part of the club and our current project. If we are able to sit down with him and talk things through, hopefully we can amend the situation. I would like to offer him a lifetime contract so that he can continue to play here for as long as he wants. If he decides to stick with his decision we will of course respect that and do everything we can so that he can leave on a high. But I hope that Jesús stays. He deserves it and we can give him what he wants at this point of his career."

He was then asked questions by the journalists in attendance. He responded, "I'm sure that Jesús has many years left in the tank, and when he retires from football, he might take a job with the club. I may have made some mistakes with the communication, and for that I ask for forgiveness. I think that the situation might have been complicated by the fact that the European Championship starts soon. But from our point of view, the time for contract negotiations is at the end of the season."

Finally, he stressed that the situation can be changed. "There is always hope that he stays until he says that the decision is final. If he does leave, it will be a shame because he is a pillar of the club. It's the same situation with Sergio Ramos. Those experienced players who know exactly what the club is about are vital to our goals and aspirations moving forward."