Making the most of the event at Pablo de Olavide University on Monday, on the occasion of the opening of the 360º Course in Sports Management as part of Sevilla FC Innovation Center, José Castro highlighted the benefits of renewing the agreement with the Innovation Center in order to continue inspiring and extending the current project.

Once the first stages were completed, José Castro returned to the Conference Room alongside Francisco Oliva in order to finalise the renewal of the agreement. Once the agreement was signed between both parties, Castro was keen to describe briefly the success of the collaboration this year, as well as outlining future plans. Castro stated his delight to be renewing the agreement: "In Sevilla FC offices last year, we presented the Sevilla FC Innovation Center in cooperation with Pablo de Olavide University, as a result of an agreement signed by both institutions months before. Today, we are delighted to be renewing our agreement with the University and the Center, which was launched last summer".
The president added that "with the Innovation Center's continuity, it demonstrates the will of our organisation to continue driving innovation and knowledge as they are essential elements when it comes to establishing different values in a football club. We are convinced that this collaboration between Sevilla FC and Pablo de Olavide University can bring an added value to both parties, which can increase the competitiveness of both organisations respectively".
Castro: "It demonstrates the will of our organisation to continue driving innovation and knowledge"
Francisco Oliva also highlighted the advantages of being able to collaborate alongside Sevilla FC in this project: "The collaboration with a company as successful as Sevilla in terms of sporting success, entrepreneurship as well as job creation is very important. Working closely with the club is a wonderful idea and we feel very fortunate. I am confident that the best is yet to come".
In its first year, the Center created the 'Manuel Blasco Garzón' award, paying tribute to the club's president between 1924 and 1925, to award the best Final Degree Projects and Final Master's Degree projects by students enrolled at the university. It has also provided several free webinars available to the university's community as well scholarships to UPO students. It also collaborated in university contests and sponsored the summer '360º Course in Sports Management'.